New England Society of Clinical Engineering By Laws
The New England Society of Clinical Engineering and it’s By-Laws
were originated on September 15, 1977. This version of the By-Laws
was prepared by the Society Secretary on May 1, 2020.
Table Of Contents
Article I Name
Article II Objectives
Article III Membership
Article IV Officers
Article V Executive Committee
Article VI Committees
Article VII Parliamentary Authority
Article VIII Meetings
Article IX Amendments of the By Laws
Article X Duties of the Officers
New England Society of Clinical Engineering
By Laws
Article I
The name of the Society shall be: New England Society of Clinical Engineering
Article II
The objectives of this Society shall be: To promote better patient care through improved maintenance, operation, and application of medical instrumentation; To promote the mutual exchange of information and technical assistance among Clinical Engineers and Biomedical Equipment Technicians; To promote the development of the Clinical Engineering profession.
Article III
The types of memberships for this Society shall be: This Society shall have three types of memberships; Full members, Associate members and Student members.
Section 1. Membership Type definitions
Full members shall be: persons actively involved in the practice of Clinical Engineering, who are employed by a health care institution.
Associate members shall be: persons with an interest in Clinical Engineering.
Student members shall be: full-time students with an interest in Clinical Engineering.
Associate and Student members will have all of the privileges and rights of full members, except holding office. Membership in the Society shall become effective upon approval by the executive committee after a completed application form has been submitted and upon receipt of specified dues.
Section 2. Membership Dues
The annual dues for all classes of membership shall be: as set by the executive committee and approved by the membership. Dues shall be payable prior to or at the first meeting of the calendar year. All members must pay their dues in order to retain voting and attendance privileges.
Article IV
The officers of this Society shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these by laws.
Section 1. Nominating Committee
A nominating committee composed of at least two full members shall be: appointed by the executive committee sixty days prior to the elections in April. It shall be the duty of this committee to nominate candidates for the offices to be filled. The slate of nominees selected shall be made known at the March meeting, at which time additional nominations from the floor can be made. Only full members can be nominated. All nominees will be required to submit a brief statement to the secretary outlining their reasons for seeking office along with a description of their experience and qualifications. No member of the executive committee can be made a member of the nominating committee.
Section 2. Teller
A teller committee composed of at least two full members shall be: appointed by the executive committee after the close of nominations. Members currently holding office (except the president) or candidates for office are not eligible for membership to this committee. The teller committee is responsible for receiving and tabulating all ballots during the election. This committee shall elect a chairman from amongst its membership.
Section 3.Ballots
Ballots shall be: mailed to all members listing all candidates prior to April 1. The ballot will include a brief statement describing each candidate’s affiliation, reasons for seeking office, experience and qualifications. Returned ballots shall be sent to the chairman of the Teller Committee so that they are received prior to or on the last day of April. Officers will be elected by simple majority. Election results will be announced at the next business meeting by the Chairman of the Teller Committee.
Section 4.Elections
Elections shall be: held every year for the position of Vice President. The Vice president automatically becomes President at the end of his/her term of office. Elections will be held every even numbered year for the position of Secretary and every odd-numbered year for the position of treasurer.
Section 5.Terms of Office
Term of office shall begin: at the first business meeting following the end of the elections and shall run until the meeting following the next election. No member shall be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
Article V
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall be: The current officers, the immediate past president and standing committee chairman shall constitute the executive committee.
Section 1.Duties of the Executive Committee
The executive committee shall: have general supervision of the affairs of the Society between it’s business meetings. It shall set the hour and place of meetings, make recommendations to the Society and shall perform such other duties as specified in these by laws. The executive committee shall appoint a full or associate member, other than the Treasurer, to perform an audit of the Society’s financial records to be completed by the annual meeting. The executive committee shall be subject to the orders of the Society and none of it’s acts shall conflict with the action taken by the Society.
Article VI
There shall be such standing and ad hoc committees as are needed. These are to be established and appointed by the Executive Committee.
Article VII
Planetary Authority
Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the meetings and business of the Society in all cases to which they are applicable which are not specifically covered by these By Laws or any special rules the Society may adopt.
Article VIII
Meetings of the Society shall be: held at a time and place determined by the Executive Committee. One meeting (preferably the May meeting) shall be designated the annual meeting.
Section 1.Special Meetings
Special meetings can be called by the President, Executive Committee or upon written petition by ten members. At least ten days notice shall be given and the purpose of the meeting stated in the meeting notice.
Section 2.Quorum
Ten full members of the Society shall constitute a quorum
Article IX
Amendment of the By Laws
A motion to amend the By Laws can be made at any business meeting and must be seconded. If at least two thirds of the total eligible voting membership is present the amendment may be voted upon. Two-thirds of the total eligible membership must vote in favor of the amendment for passage. If these conditions are not met, the Secretary shall mail a notice and ballot to all eligible members detailing the proposed amendment. Said ballots are to be returned to the Secretary within thirty days from the mailing date. A two-thirds majority of the total eligible membership must vote in favor of the amendment for passage.
Article X
Duties of the Officers
Section 1.Duties of the President
The President shall:
a.) Preside over all meetings.
b.) Preside over all Executive Committee meetings.
c.) Serve as an Ex-officio member of all committees (except the nominating committee).
d.) Prepare an annual report outlining the current status and activities of the Society for the year, for presentation at the annual meeting.
e.) Maintain a liaison with other regional Clinical Engineering Societies.
Section 2.Duties of the Vice President
The Vice President shall:
a.) Perform the duties and have the power of the president in the absence of the president.
b.) With the approval of the Executive Committee, the Vice President shall assume the duties of any other officer unable to perform his/her duties.
c.) Serve as Program Committee Chairman, responsible for producing the educational programs held in conjunction with the monthly business meetings.
Section 3.Duties of the Secretary
The Secretary shall:
a.) Records the minutes of the Executive Committee meetings and also general membership meetings.
b.) Prepares and mails announcements for general membership meetings at least two weeks prior to each meeting. Including program information, time, place, form of acknowledgment, minutes of previous meetings, both general and Executive Committee meetings.
c.) Update membership lists and forward copies to each member periodically.
d.) Maintain supply of New England Society of Clinical Engineering supplies; i.e., stationary, except bill heads.
e.) Submit bills to the treasurer for payment; i.e., stationary, printing, posting.
f.) Maintain close liaison with Committee Chairmen and other members of the Executive Committee.
g.) Arranges for printing and distribution of membership certificates.
h.) Notifies general membership in writing, in advance, of the election meeting, slate of nominees.
Section 4.Duties of the Treasurer
The Treasurer shall:
a.) Bill for and receive dues.
b.) Deposit money and pay accounts.
c.) Maintain on file, bank statements and records of money distribution.
d.) Maintain an accurate financial statement in readiness for a report at every business meeting.
e.) Be required to obtain authorization from Executive Committee before incurring any indebtedness for the organization.
f.) Prepare a statement of accounting for the fiscal year for the presentation to the membership at the final meeting.
g.) Informs the Secretary promptly in writing of paid members.